Thanks again to everyone who showed up to our first ever Night Market! Since then, we have been rewriting policies for our Dealers Den and reworking the Night Market with a better idea of what to expect. We’ve considered how other cons run similar events and changed our setup to improve everyone’s experience. 

Night Market Updates 

The 2025 Night Market will run on *three* days, Friday to Sunday. It will be moved into the Metro West, a significantly larger space with better capacity for line management. The regular Dealers Den, traditionally placed in the Metro ballroom, will be smaller. Despite this, we are anticipating having more slots available to dealers compared to previous years. 

The Night Market will start earlier to decrease competition with the nightly dances. However, this does mean that there will be overlap with regular Dealers Den hours. The new hours will be announced when applications open. 
The goal for 2025 is to have entirely unique dealers in each space. The dealer information package will be available when applying so that you can more easily choose which room is appropriate for your goods. You can apply for both the Dealers Den and Night Market but only have a table in one, unless you have a person willing to act as your proxy in the other. With a proxy, you may have a table in both.

Policies on NSFW Content in the Dealers Den 

Some dealers may prefer to sell in the regular Dealers Den but wish to offer NSFW goods. This will still be allowed, with some slight policy changes. We want to keep the Night Market a unique experience while giving flexibility to our dealers.  

  • Adult content must be sold through a binder, not openly displayed 
  • Adult content must be hidden until sale and not stored publicly  

Clarification on what constitutes “adult content” will be available in the information package but includes art and physical goods. 

Additionally, we will be accepting adult-oriented donations for an “After Dark” version of the silent Charity Auction. There will be no restrictions beyond our Code of Conduct standards regarding offensive material.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Applications for both the Dealers Den and the Night Market open on July 10.  

We are thrilled to offer a better timeline to our dealers, and an improved experience for all of you hoping to join us for Monsters in Toronto! We will have more updates in the coming months.