Dealers Information Package

The Dealers Information Package is available publicly to offer help and advice to anyone who wants to apply to vend at Furnal Equinox. It contains important rules and restrictions that every Dealer must agree to, in addition to our Code of Conduct, when accepting a placement in our regular SFW or 18+ Dealers Den.

Please note that this Information Package is subject to change at any time. These changes will be updated here on the website, and forwarded to Dealers personally via email. Any questions relating to dealers should be sent to the Dealers Den team at 


Dealing with Furnal Equinox doesn’t need to be those in the SFW Dealers Den – 2024 saw the return of our Artist Alley, and the introduction 18+ Dealers Den! For 2025, we are working to improve operations and make the experience even better for both attendees, and our dealers!  

The SFW Dealers Den this year will be in Metropolitan Center and East, running Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The den will also be home to the Artist Alley.

The 18+ Dealers Den will be in Metropolitan West, with a much larger capacity, also running Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 

Dealer Areas

Dealers stations are sold in tables. These provided tables are 6 feet long by 30 inches wide, provided with a tablecloth but no skirt. There are two chairs behind each table, for you and your assistant(s) (See Assistant section below). We can also accommodate seating requests (within reason) to seat you near specific fellow artists. If you have not specified this in the registration form, please have all the involved parties submit seating requests by email to We cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all requests.

You may bring your own table covering and displays, provided they do not interfere with walkways and other vendors’ spaces.  Please refrain from blocking aisles and exit ways. All doors and pathways must always remain clear of objects and accessible due to fire code and hotel requirements.  The only entry and exit point for dealers, artists, staff, and attendees will be at the doors labeled “In” and “Out” as labeled on the map.  

General Rules for Dealer Spaces

  • Please be tidy!  Keep your stock underneath or behind your table and throw away any trash throughout each day.  If trash cans are full, please inform dealers staff, DO NOT place items beside the trash cans. Remember to throw out food items and keep clean! 
  • Respect other dealers. Actions such as but are not limited to; bullying, harassment, violence or threatening will not be tolerated.  
  • Dealers may not use wall space for hanging posters or other items. 
  • Your display must not interfere with other dealers’ space, or with any aisles through the Dealer Den, due to both fire code and accessibility needs.  All displays should be secured and must not pose a tripping or falling hazard. Maximum display height: 3 meters. 
  • Please respect other dealers’ stock.  Any loss or damages must be paid for. 
  • All material sale/resale rights must be owned by the dealer or approved for sale by the owner. No copyright infringing or “bootleg” merchandise is permitted. No items unapproved for sale may be sold.  
  • Content that is not yours or had not been shared to us at the time of application, may be asked to be removed.  
  • No artificial intelligence (A.I.) imagery is allowed for sale at Furnal Equinox.  
  • Compilations of art must have the approval of all contributing artists. 
  • All products offered must be strictly in compliance with Canadian law. 
  • The venue’s rules must also be followed.  We will inform all dealers of applicable provisions, with reminders in advance of the convention. 
  • There are no animals allowed in the den that are not registered and trained service animals. Dealers are responsible for actions of animals brought into the SFW Dealers Den, 18+ Dealers Den, and artist alley; and understand that bringing animals in that are not registered and trained can result the convention requesting the animal’s removal.  
  • Adult content must be sold in opaque bags or boxes, especially if being sold in the SFW Dealers Den. Buyers may put these items directly into their own personal bags, such as a backpack, if they have one. They cannot remain on display.  

Specific Rules for the SFW Dealers Den

  • Adult content must be kept discreet in the SFW Dealers Den. This content can still be sold, but not made available in public view. Adult content must be sold in a separate 18+ binder that is closed when not being viewed, regardless of censorship.
    Adult-oriented material may include, but is not limited to, exposed genitalia, nipples or exposed breasts, suggestive or overtly sexual acts (even if the subject(s) are clothed), explicit nudity, and badges/content that reference adult-oriented actions/terms such as “bottom” or “top.”
    Determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis for displayed items which have received a complaint or have been noted by Staff as potentially adult-oriented.  If you have any questions about what may count, feel free to email the dealers team with questions so we can verify in advance.
  • Adult content must be stored in boxes, opaque containers, covered by a cloth, or otherwise hidden when in storage. As per the last rule, content must be shown only through an 18+ binder, including physical items.  
  • Dealers are responsible for verifying the age of those viewing 18+ content in the SFW Dealers Den. Minors will be clearly identifiable by their badges; in all cases, to ensure minors aren’t exposed to any adult content, please take an extra moment to assess appropriate age. Do not hesitate to request another form of ID to protect yourself from liability.   

Specific Rules for the 18+ Dealers Den

  • Dealers are responsible for following the convention Code of Conduct, including apparel guidelines. This includes no genitalia on display, no exposed nipples regardless of gender presentation. For safety, please hold your own leash. A full version of apparel guidelines can be found at:  
  • Dealers may not sell any wares they knowingly recognize can be harmful to attendees. For adult toys, please include/display a label with the materials used to produce the item. Further, instructions for safe use are highly encouraged to be given upon purchase such as how to properly clean and use items.  

EX: “This product is made with the following materials: SMOOTH-ON Dragon Skin 20 Platinum-Cure Silicone (silicone product). Releasing agent used: SMOOTH-ON Mann Mold release 2831 (to remove the silicone from its mold).” 

  • Dealers must store adult toys and other wares properly to avoid dust and bacteria build up. If buyers wish to see an item up close, please properly wipe down said item to keep your wares safe and hygienic. Display items are the only exception to this.  

EX: An insertable adult toy may sit openly on a table or stand if it is not to be sold. If it is to be sold, it must be cleaned first and packaged properly before sale.  

  • You can utilize unscented wet-wipes to clean your items to keep clean 
  • All items resembling adult toys that are not meant to be used and are purely decorative must be labeled as such. 

EX: 3D printed objects resembling insertable toys must be labeled as “Not safe for use” 

  • Any item being sold as “flop,” that has a visual defect that does not affect usage or pose risk to the user, must be clearly labeled as such.  

EX: An air bubble in the side of a penetrable that does not affect integrity of the toy.  


Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, the following: warning strikes; ejection from the Dealer’s Den/Artist Alley/18+ Dealers Den and loss of your table; loss (pulling) of your convention badge; banning from Furnal Equinox; contact of police; and potential legal action. Disciplinary actions are effective immediately upon issuance. Appeals for actions will be handled according to convention rules after the convention is over.  

Disciplinary actions that involve ejection from the Dealer’s Den will be made without compensation. This applies to the Table owner. Assistants who have their access revoked will not be allowed to enter the den for the remainder of the convention.


Your assistant(s) must register and pay for their registrations separately using the provided code. If your assistant(s) have already registered, email us their information directly. This is to help us to know who will be helping you during set up, dealing hours and tear down. They will need to be given the Dealers Assistant Badge so our team can easily identify them.  


No more than two (2) people should sit behind a single or a double table at one time. Booths are allowed up to three (3) assistants plus the dealer. The Assistant badges are for those who will help you during the setup and tear down when Dealer’s Den/18+ Dealers Den aren’t open to the public. Anyone can help you behind your table during selling hours. If you need further help with this process, please email us and we will be happy to assist you.


Furnal Equinox will be allowing proxies for any vendors who wish to deal in both the 18+ Dealers Den and SFW Dealers Den.  While having a proxy does not guarantee you a spot in both locations, it does at least give you the option to be physically able to since SFW Dealers Den and 18+ Dealers Den hours overlap. Proxies are anyone who can formally represent you and your business. These are not just fellow dealers who can display your products at their table or someone you can have watch your table for several hours. Proxies are any individuals who are directly associated with you or your business, such as a significant other, business partner, assistant or employee, or otherwise. Please email us with any questions you may have.

Sharing Tables

Dealers who wish to share tables must inform the Dealers team that they are doing so. This can be done when you are applying for either Den, or by emailing us at Be sure to include the information of who you are sharing with (i.e.: business name, the dealer’s name and info, relevant portfolio/set up links, and any other relevant info). Letting us know allows us to properly accommodate all dealers involved in the den and get an accurate count of everyone involved.  
Tables will be invoiced to the main dealer of the table (the one who submitted the original application). Only the paying dealer can request name changes to reflect the presence of another artist at their table. The paying dealer can also add or remove assistants, including the sharing artist from the table. The paying dealer is responsible and impacted by any bad behavior or rule-breaking done by their assistants, or the sharing artist.  

FE Staff can choose to accept or deny your request to share your table with your chosen vendor. This decision will not affect the main dealer’s application if accepted.  

Waiting List

All dealers that applied in the open application period who were not accepted will be automatically placed on the waiting list. If tables become available, they will be contacted as tables open. If there are tables available on the day of the convention, we will allow for onsite table bookings. They will pay the same price as pre-purchased table space.  


If you cannot attend the convention and would like to receive a refund, please let us know. Refunds will be at the discretion of the SFW Dealers Den Team and the Directors. No roll overs will be given. If we are able to fill the table with a new dealer, we will offer a refund back after the given date. The refund amount will be discussed at that time. 


Electricity can be provided for an additional cost and is only granted to those who received approval for a powered table. If you have a high power-draw item or are unsure, please reach out to get our permission. All electrical equipment must be CSA and/or UL approved in order to operate within convention space. 


Dealers should bring a grounded, three-prong extension cord or grounded power bar to minimize the chance of blowing a circuit breaker.  

Medical or Disability Requirements

We will do our best to accommodate any medical or disability requirements that you may have to make your weekend with us as comfortable as possible! However, we may not be able to fulfill all requests. To best assist you, if you have not indicated any requirements that you have in your dealer application, please contact us as soon as possible at and be sure to “CC” us at 

Time Tables

SFW Dealers Den: 

Day  Dealer Setup  Open for Early Access  Open to Public 

Break Time 

(Closed to public) 

Closed To Public
Dealers Only  
Closed To All 
Thursday  2 PM – 10 PM  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  10PM 
Friday  9 AM – 10:45 AM  10:45AM  12PM  2 PM – 3 PM  7 PM  8 PM 
Saturday  9 AM – 10 AM  N/A  10 AM  1 PM –  2 PM  6 PM  7 PM 
Sunday  9 AM – 10 AM  N/A  10 AM  1 PM –  2 PM  4 PM  7 PM 


18+ Dealers Den:

Day  Dealer Setup  Open for Early Access  Open to Public 

Break Time 

(Closed to public) 

Closed To Public
Dealers Only  
Closed To All 
Thursday  2 PM – 10 PM  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  10PM 
Friday   1PM – 2:45 PM  2:45PM  4PM 

7 PM – 8 PM 


12 AM  1 AM 
Saturday  1 PM – 2 PM  N/A  2 PM  5 PM –   6 PM  10 PM  11 PM 
Sunday  11 AM – 12 PM  N/A  12 PM  N/A  4 PM  7 PM 

Internet Access

Wi-Fi will be provided for each dealer at no additional cost. You will be provided with a single code  per dealership to connect a single device.  You will not be able to connect multiple devices with the code, and you will not be able to change devices once you connect with an initial device. Our bandwidth and capacity are limited, so the provided Wi-Fi will restrict access to YouTube, Netflix, or other high bandwidth sites to help ensure equal access to all dealers. 

Shipping and Storage

Printing and shipping services are available through the Westin’s CheckT Business Centre, located on the Lower Lobby of the Westin Hotel. Check their website for more information!

Food and Drink

Lunch breaks will be offered in the Dealers Den on Friday 2PM-3PM, and Saturday and Sunday, from 1-2PM. Dinner breaks will be offered in our 18+ Den on Friday 7PM-8PM  and Saturday 5PM – 6PM. The Dealers team will be offering a paid, opt-in buffet on Saturday during both the lunch and dinner break. Price and opt-in information will be shared with acceptance emails.  


All Dealers’ spaces will be monitored at all times, from the beginning of load-in on Thursday to the end of tear-down on Sunday.  Dealers staff will be available during Dealer Den hours and quiet times to field concerns. The Dealer Den will be closed to the general public at 6:00 pm Friday and Saturday and 5:00 pm on Sunday.  Dealers, their assistant(s), and staff will still be permitted in the room to tidy up and pack away for one additional hour. You may leave your stock overnight on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in the Metro spaces.  Once these spaces are closed to vendors and staff, there will be additional security to monitor the room and prohibit entry to unauthorized persons. Please note that the convention is not responsible for loss or damage to any of your property.

Permits and Taxes

Dealers assume all responsibility for ensuring that they are in compliance with federal and provincial tax laws. International dealers should also make sure that they are in compliance with the requirements to sell their wares in Canada.   


A letter of business can be provided to any foreign vendors wishing to sell in Canada for the convention weekend. To request a letter of business, please provide your first and last legal name, your zip code, and your business email address to Furnal Equinox staff cannot provide advice to dealers regarding specific tax laws, and we recommend that you seek advice from a legal representative, small business advisor, or tax professional.  We will provide a short list of basic tax law information to all vendors. 

For American and International Dealers

Every dealer is responsible to verify that they can legally vend at our event. It is not the event’s responsibility. Please ensure you have any applicable permits if necessary for you to vend 

***It is also important to know that as a dealer in the Dealers’ Den, you are not working for the convention. Saying so is incorrect and will result in the Canada Border Services Agency preventing you from entering Canada, as a work permit does not cover working for an entity like Furnal Equinox.  Remember: you are travelling to Canada to sell at the convention, not for the convention.*** 

Charity Auction

Our charity partners will have a table, alongside a table for the charity auction donations. There will be a silent auction held in both the Dealers Den, and our 18+ Den for mature/adult content. A member of the charity team will be present to accept donations from dealers and attendees. Dealers who wish to include items for auction can feel free to do so.  

Please Respect Others!

Above all, be professional!  Any attendee, which includes dealers, being intentionally disruptive will be removed from the room or ejected from the convention if necessary. The Dealer Den staff reserve the right to deny service and ban individuals from participation in the Dealer Den if rules are violated.  


Please remember that our staff are volunteers who have chosen to work so you can enjoy the convention.  Please show a little extra kindness and patience.  Abuse of staff and volunteers will not be tolerated, this includes in person and online harassment. All disputes may be taken up with the convention Board of Directors for further review if deemed necessary. 


Dealers who vend with us at Furnal Equinox, by applying and reading this package, are fully aware of the following:

Dealers are fully aware that adult toy products displayed and sold are their full responsibility for public safety with each sale made. Each toy must be held to a safe standard, and stored properly to ensure material does not accumulate dust or bacteria. Products must be provided with vendor’s business card, instructions for safe use and care, and clearly identifying materials used to produce the item. Displays of products are an exemption.  

For specifications, the vendor MUST provide the company’s name and its brand to buyers. This allows buyers to research if the material is safe for their skin and allergies.  

Products must be able to be traced back if the seller’s toy encountered a faulty batch, so that the buyer can contact the seller themselves.  

It is encouraged that sellers keep track of product’s serial numbers used during silicone casting to ensure items can be tracked and traced properly. If there is an issue with a product related to the materials used, this allows manufacturer’s to investigate issues further. 

Dealers are fully responsible for their actions in the den should they break rules. If a dealer’s wrong-actions cause harm to another dealer, attendee, hotel staff, Furnal Equinox staff, or otherwise, they are responsible. 

How to Apply

For 2025, applications for the SFW and 18+ Dealers Den were open from July 10th, 2024 to August 10, 2024. Check back next summer if you are interested in vending in 2026!