Furnal Equinox Masquerade Policies and Rules

 The Masquerade is a variety show-style event where performers can show off their talents and skills for the convention attendees.

Each performer is required to have a planned act or skit. This can range from a dance to a comedy routine to any performance event that the participant can come up with. Creativity and originality is encouraged.

All performers are required to read and understand these policies in order to facilitate the best possible outcomes of your performances.


As a performer, you are encouraged to submit your unique performance, such as a skit, dance, musical performance, or stand-up comedy act where creativity and originality are strongly encouraged.

We request that you rehearse for your performance to be within a time limit of 2 ½ – 5 minutes in length.

All content must be rated G or PG. PG-13 acts are strongly discouraged and subject to director review. R-rated acts are not allowed. Performances may not include excessive violence or sexual situations inappropriate for a general audience. All questionable material will be evaluated by the Masquerade team.

All performers wearing form-fitting body suits must take precautions to avoid any inappropriate displays.

While performers are permitted to submit a single performance for consideration under their name, they may participate as part of other group performances. Typical participation of any individual is limited to one individual act, and one group act in order to allow the maximum possible number of attendees to participate.

Application and Selection Process

Participants are required to submit an outline of their act(s) which include song titles, drafts of scripts, lyrics, and an outline of props your performance requires. Outlines may be submitted no later than two full weeks prior to the first day of the convention, and adjustments may be made and submitted as late as rehearsals for final review.

Once outlines have been submitted, your performance will be invited to participate in rehearsals for final review and selection. Performances will be approved once deemed appropriate, and in accordance to length and technical constraints. We regret that no performance can be guaranteed participation until the conclusion of the rehearsals process.

Selection and sequencing of acts and performances are coordinated by the masquerade organizers based on time constraints, diversity across all selected performances, technical attributes, and other criteria in an objective manner. We recommend reaching out via masquerade@furnalequinox.com to discuss your performance if you have any questions.

We will be unable to provide items for the Masquerade besides basic audio support. This includes props, musical instruments, costume pieces or other specialty items for your act.

Show Etiquette

Performers, handlers, and your assistants participating in the masquerade are required to observe our rules of backstage etiquette.

  • Our team performs their duties in good faith, to the best of their ability. We request that you treat our stage team with respect and dignity as they carry out their duties.
  • Organizers strive to put on the best possible show for attendees, and request that you aid them by notifying them of any relevant medical issues, safety concerns, or special needs so that they may best accommodate those needs.
  • The stage crew and organizers maintain confidentiality of performances outside of the rehearsal. We understand the efforts that performers and groups invest in their work, and as such we request that all performers, handlers, and assistants respect the efforts of their peers acts, and maintain confidentiality until after the masquerade has concluded.
  • The AV and production team make great efforts to organize technical production for the convention. In order to maintain a safe backstage area, any horseplay or other unsafe behaviour are strictly prohibited due to the nature of the equipment in use. Backstage performers are also required to keep noise to an absolute minimum: microphones on stage will hear you, as will the audience!

Staging and Technical Considerations

All necessary audio or video media must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance to the organizers.

  • Please send all media in advance to masquerade@furnalequinox.com
  • If desired, you may bring the media via USB key or portable hard drive. Success cannot be guaranteed.
  • Please do not bring original recordings of media as their safety or return cannot be guaranteed
  • MP3 and H.264 are the preferred formats for media

For special technical requests such as stage crew assistance during the performance, video playback or specific lighting cues, please contact us prior to rehearsals and our team will do our best to accommodate your performance group.


To facilitate an orderly process, the at-convention rehearsals are a CLOSED event. Only performers, their assistants, and necessary crew are eligible to attend.

Any participants intending to perform in the Masquerade must, without exception, attend the rehearsal in advance of the main performance, or make alternate arrangements with the Masquerade organizers. These rehearsals are essential to the preparations that volunteer organizers and stage crew make in order to make your performances the best that they can be. Performers who do not attend the rehearsal cannot perform in the Masquerade.

All participants in rehearsal must rehearse using the fursuit, costume, and/or props (if applicable) that they will be utilizing in the masquerade.

Once your performance is selected, no further alterations to your act are permitted without express approval of the organizers to ensure smooth stage transitions and flow. Changes in casting must be approved by the Masquerade team. Deviation from the prior rehearsal risks immediate removal from the Masquerade.


We recommend costumed performers bring a “handler” to assist in your back-stage costume and wardrobe changes if you feel the need. Our stage crew team typically will be occupied with transitions between performances, and be unable to assist with wardrobe changes.

All performers and handlers must arrive 60 minutes before the beginning of the Masquerade in order to organize and settle-in backstage prior to doors open. Any performer absent at final call (30 minutes prior to doors open) may have their act withdrawn from the show by the volunteer organizers.

Performers are required to remain backstage both before and after their performance for final credits. All performers will be called to the stage at the end of the show to announce the winner(s).

We request that performers remain on-stage for their own safety due to the height of our stage. Performers wishing to interact directly with judges or the audience must contact the Masquerade organizers to discuss these special arrangements.

No liquids, particles, foam or otherwise messy props may be used in a performance.

  Items cannot be thrown into the audience.

Performance content that involves political statements or are politically-oriented or motivated are not permissible.

Performers are required to inform the Masquerade organizers regarding any special effects, and by entering into the masquerade are liable for any special cleaning charges on equipment or staging as a result of their performances. When in doubt, contact masquerade@furnalequinox.com to discuss your ideas with us.

Performance Judging

The winning performance act, or group will be engraved on the Masquerade Cup in alphabetical order. Engravings will be as per names provided on the sign-up form, and winners must contact the organizers for any alterations prior to the end of the convention. The cup will be available for photos with your group at the convention, however you may not take it home with you. It will be securely kept as an everlasting record of your achievement.

In the spirit of growing the performing arts within the fandom, winners of the masquerade are ineligible to compete the following year with a 1 year cool-down period.

  • If you perform as an individual, you are only eligible to participate in a group the subsequent year.
  • If you perform as part of a group, you are only eligible to participate as an individual the subsequent year.
  • If you participate in the masquerade with winning performances for 2 consecutive years, you will only be eligible to perform in a non-scored showcase act, time permitting.
  • Non-judged showcase acts remain an option for masquerade winners after only 1 year.
  • You can opt out of your act being part of the judged competition.

Performances are judged on a broad set of criteria, such as originality of your performance, entertainment and audience appeal, esthetic appeal, use of space, and technical performance.

Judges may offset those performing in Fursuit based on varying abilities or characteristics of the competitor, in order to equalize their chances of winning.

Judges are selected based on their experience as performers, and may include past participants in the Masquerade or the convention’s guests of honour.

Contact and Submission Form

Applications for the Masquerade are closed for 2025!

The Masquerade organizers have final discretion on admissibility of performances throughout the process.

The Furnal Equinox Code of Conduct still applies to all performance.

Any questions or concerns can be sent to masquerade@furnalequinox.com