November 7, 2023 – Hotel Opening Schedule
Opening Dates Please note: emails with the hotel link will be sent out at approximately 12 PM ET on each date. Cthulhu - Open Benefactors - 8 November 2023 Supersponsors - 12 November 2023 Sponsors - 22 November 2023 General - DELAYED - To be announced General...
April 5, 2023 – Your Feedback Matters!
As an attendee of Furnal Equinox, your experience matters! That's why we have sent out a survey to all attendees, to collect valuable feedback and opinions. You'll have the opportunity to rate various aspects of the convention, as well as provide specific feedback and...
March 27, 2023 – It’s been a week since FE2023!
Thank you so much for another wonderful weekend! This year for Tales of the Tavern we saw 3,338 attendees, over 60% more than the 2,026 attendees in 2022. We counted 1,381 fursuiters, and there were probably even more! We are eternally grateful for your continued...
March 19, 2023 – Early Morning Disturbance
Update: What we know so far.. Early this morning there was an incident near the south tower elevators that created a disturbance which spread throughout the convention level at approximately 2 am. The events occurred as follows: • Attendees moved down the...
March 10, 2023 – Registration Procedure Update
Furnal Equinox, has made significant changes to their registration process for 2023. The location for registration is in the Bay/Queens Quay 2 Room on the Convention Centre ground floor. The entrances on the Convention Centre side will be locked. Attendees must enter...
November 7, 2023 – Hotel Opening Schedule
Opening Dates Please note: emails with the hotel link will be sent out at approximately 12 PM ET on each date. Cthulhu - Open Benefactors - 8 November 2023 Supersponsors - 12 November 2023 Sponsors - 22 November 2023 General - DELAYED - To be announced General...
April 5, 2023 – Your Feedback Matters!
As an attendee of Furnal Equinox, your experience matters! That's why we have sent out a survey to all attendees, to collect valuable feedback and opinions. You'll have the opportunity to rate various aspects of the convention, as well as provide specific feedback and...
March 27, 2023 – It’s been a week since FE2023!
Thank you so much for another wonderful weekend! This year for Tales of the Tavern we saw 3,338 attendees, over 60% more than the 2,026 attendees in 2022. We counted 1,381 fursuiters, and there were probably even more! We are eternally grateful for your continued...
March 19, 2023 – Early Morning Disturbance
Update: What we know so far.. Early this morning there was an incident near the south tower elevators that created a disturbance which spread throughout the convention level at approximately 2 am. The events occurred as follows: • Attendees moved down the...
March 10, 2023 – Registration Procedure Update
Furnal Equinox, has made significant changes to their registration process for 2023. The location for registration is in the Bay/Queens Quay 2 Room on the Convention Centre ground floor. The entrances on the Convention Centre side will be locked. Attendees must enter...