In only a few short weeks, registration for Furnal Equinox 2025 will be open! There are some important changes coming to this year’s registration, including a major overhaul of our hotel booking process.  
Demand for space within our main hotel continues to be high as our yearly attendance increases. As we discussed last year, a “free-for-all” system with a single opening is not viable, as it creates immense strain on hotel booking servers – booking rooms then becomes nearly impossible when they inevitably crash under these circumstances. Further, the continued construction within the Westin Harbour Castle creates another challenge.  

Last year we attempted a new type of hotel opening, where access was given based on registration tier. Our intent was to space out traffic on booking portals and increase value for sponsor tiers. However, we faced a number of drawbacks with that system, and heard a lot of feedback from the community on where it was not working.

It was clear that we needed to try something different for this coming convention to improve the process. We are also exploring venue options for the coming years, but are committed to our partnership with the Westin Harbour Castle for the near future. For now, please take note of the important points about the process for this year below: 

For 2025, everyone who wishes to have a room within our hotel block will need to indicate their desire on our registration form.  

  • This question will be available on the form through November 12, 2024.
  • After that date, available rooms will be assigned at random, and those selected will receive an email with more booking information  
  • Each registration tier will have access to its own pool of rooms, with the largest percentage of rooms available to the regular attendee tier. Our highest tier supporters, Mecha-Kaiju, will have priority access to the room block.
  • More information on this process can be found here

We understand that not everyone will be excited about random selection for hotel room assignment. However, this allows us to distribute rooms as fairly as possible when there is inevitable scarcity. We chose to factor in registration tier to create more value for those who choose to support us at higher tiers, but limited the number of rooms available to each tier to avoid the situation many attendees found themselves in last year. 
As this system is very different from previous years, we suggest that you look over our FAQ page, especially regarding registration and venue questions.  
Finally, before you commit to booking in our hotel block, please note that the room rates for the Westin Harbour Castle have changed for 2025: 
Standard Room – $185.00/night  
Premium Room – $205.00/night 
Once registration is open, we will make announcements on our social media and update our website accordingly. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.  

We are excited to see everyone again in 2025 for Monsters In Toronto!