Photo by Light Wav Media
Fursuit Dance Competition
Sign-up deadline: Friday, March 16th, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET
Try-outs (Preliminaries) event: Friday, March 21st, 2025 – 1:15 PM
Main event: Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 – 1:30 PM
We are excited to be hosting our eleventh annual dance competition. Please read all the rules carefully to ensure you’re not missing anything before you sign up!
Please note that this is a distinct event from the PAS LE CHOIX DE DANSER Dance Battle event! You are welcome to participate in either or both!
Summary of Competition
- Potential and interested competitors will be able to register for the event online (details within document). Competitors will have to try out in a preliminary event which will take place on Friday.
- The finals will be held at the Main Events Ballroom (Frontenac) in front of a live audience and live-streamed online. The tryouts will be held at a panel room (check the schedule on release for details) and will not have an audience or recording – only performers and their designated handlers are allowed.
- This is a very action-packed event with lots of loud music and lighting effects. If you have any health concerns regarding noise levels or the lighting equipment of the event, please do not hesitate to contact the organizer (contact information provided at the bottom of page).
- We do not have an official group category, but you are welcome to submit a duo or group entry if you wish!
Competition Format & Process
There will only be sign-ups online before the convention begins to help expedite the process of tryouts. Online forms submitted after the posted date will not be accepted. To sign up, use the button at the top of this page to go to the form.
The general format of the competition will be as follows:
- Competitors will dance at both the tryouts and the main event in their chosen fursuit. They must use the same costume and parts for both events. Full suits and partials are both welcome. Generally, a minimum of head, tail, hand, and foot paws is required, although exceptions can be made for special requirements (eg. tap-dancing shoes) and staff retain discretion for final decisions on qualification.
- Competitors will dance to their chosen song or mix that they provide – we do not provide music. The song file must not be longer than 2:00 in length, no larger than 200 MB file size, and be submitted to us in a standard format such as MP3, WAV, WMA, or OGG. Competitors MUST either provide a copy of their song through a file-sharing service in their sign-up form or bring a hard copy in a USB drive to prelims, although we STRONGLY encourage you to do both to ensure smooth sailing.
- For the tryouts, competitors will only dance to the first minute of their performance. We encourage competitors to plan their routine accordingly so that there is a good amount of content to judge in the first minute.
As a reference, here are some of the things that judges may be looking for:
- Originality: Unique and/or interesting techniques, avoiding repetition with similar-looking moves
- Musicality: Dance matches with the tempo and compliments the storytelling of the music
- Execution: Clean, sharp moves with no errors, movements transition well into each other
- Character: Adds personality and character to movements, brings life to the dance
At the end of the competition, the judges will tally up the points and announce the top performers, along with any honourable mentions.
Costume Guidelines
Acceptable entries are:
- Full fursuits (A.K.A. “fullsuits”)
- Halfsuits/Partial suits (head + hand paws + tail + feet paws minimum)
Please note: heels, slippers, sneakers are not acceptable replacements for feet paws. This is a new rule in effect so that all competitors are able to perform on a more equal ground. If you do not have feet paws for your suit, try asking around to borrow some. If your footwear is required for your particular style of dance (for example, tap dance, ballet shoes, or drag), please contact the organizer at gnaw@furnalequinox.com to get an exemption to this rule.
Non-acceptable entries are:
- Zentai suits
- One-piece PJ’s/kigurumis
- Tail/ear combinations
Props and additional costume parts
Props may be used at your own discretion, as long as they fall within a PG-rating and do not impose any risk to other performers or the venue. We ask that you use your props (if you have any) in a safe and PG manner, as with everything else in your video performance. If you have questions about using a prop, please contact the organizer at gnaw@furnalequinox.com to get approval.
In case of any questions, comments, or emergencies regarding the dance competition, please feel free to contact:
E-mail: gnaw@furnalequinox.com
For 2025, Dance Competition sign-ups are open until March 16, 2025!